Monday, July 11, 2011

the service

it was lovely. at least three estranged family members came and made peace. J and i both spoke without falling completely apart. a lot of crying. a lot of sobbing. a lot of darkness... no more went well.

as well as the funeral for your infant son Can go. my angel is gone. he now rests in a tiny plastic box until his final urn is made and ready. a lock of hair and some ashes. that's what i have left of my baby. he was utterly perfect and just overwhelming awesome. not in the surfer lingo 'awesome', but as in to create 'Awe' in someone from the incredibility.

Fair of hair and eye, my sweet sweet babe. over a year and half, he easily became my son, my moon, my stars. my very morning ritual started with filling his bottle and starting his oatmeal (with cream and fruit) along with the coffee... now? i dont have a reason to get out of bed. there is nothing left inside me. i'm empty and devoid of care for anything or anyone else. i am appreciative, grateful and humbled. but otherwise can only feel the gaping hole that was my heart.

its like someone took from the top of my breasts and hollowed out my torso. a gaping maw of a wound, scraped clean with dirty knives, my everything died in that moment. the pain is physical... from a dull ache to a sharp unrelenting pain that doubles me over.

i live that moment over and over. turning him over in the crib to find him blue and cold....... i can't do it yet. i can't think about it withotu losing it.

WHY??? WTF did i DO? WHY MY BABY????? I loved him with all that i was. he made me into a new person. he made me want to be a better person. now all i want is pain, some kind of physical pain to match the pain in my chest. i want my baby boy back. i want this stupid fucking world to stop taking the ones i love. i want to understand how this can be ok!?!?! A sweet innocent child, WHY THE FUCK DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM??????? you answer me that, God or gods, or what ever the hell is out there. you have destroyed everything i've loved over the course of many years, but now... now i have even less to lose than before.

the only thing that keeps me tethered here is : a) i wouldn't give this pain to my own mother. i wouldn't give it to my worst enemy (cept one person i can think of). b) the support and overwhelming response from my friends and family. i really didn't know or think that many people loves us. as much as i hate the world, i can't leave J to face it alone. and i wont ask him to leave it with me. so i guess we're stuck here until we find some small bit of joy again..... just to have it snatched away....

donation button below. thank you for reading my words.


  1. Hugs, hugs, hugs. That's all I know to offer. I can't begin to imagine the pain you're experiencing and it breaks my heart that you're going through this. Much love.

  2. I said a prayer last night to those cruel gods or God to be with you, to allow you to hold those happy moments in your heart...please try to hold on those moments that you jumped out of bed with joy to go take care of your little man rather than that gaping wound. I love you.

  3. Oh heart hurts for you and Jason. I wish I could be there to wrap you up and hold you both. I didn't have the chance to meet Marcus, but I know because he came from you, he was a sweet, beautiful boy and he will always be missed. I'll keep saying prayers for all of you. Love you.

  4. Erica, I know you don't know me but as Elena's mom, I know the pain your are in. Just know that you and your family are loved. I pray that you will be made strong by your memories of your son.

  5. Erica, I love you so much. I wish I weren't so far away. I haven't known what to say. I still don't. The world can be such an ugly place full of rotten people who deserve rotten destinies, and you are not one of those people. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were a radiant spirit who would be a great big force in the world. You gracefully accepted the sudden reality of motherhood, and you made it beautiful. There is no greater proof of what a wonderful mother you have been to your son than in his beaming smile. I cannot fathom the depth of the pain that you are in. Just please know that I love you, and you can telephone or write or come and stay in my house in the boonies or whatever you need.

  6. You have been in my thoughts and prayers since I found out. You didn't deserve this, no one deserves the pain you are going through. I am so so sorry Erica! It breaks my heart
