Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here's to great mothers!


i finally got the balls to call my mom today. woke up and decided to call her before i got nervous about it.

so i call up, she asks what i'm up to, i ask if she's sitting down cuz i have some news. i tell her i'm pregnant. Total silence. then she asked how far along i am. i tell her and the conversation starts up. she was happy for me!

Seriously i was freaking for nothing. here i was thinking she would disown me, when in fact she was the most awesome, accepting mom. she was excited, looked at the ultrasound i emailed her, was asking about the name, really liked it as well. She wants me to go get some comfy clothes, and offered to come help with the house. Was askin if i had felt him kick yet or how i was feeling, giving me tips to keep my feet from swelling.... i cried. like a lil girl. at the acceptance of my mom. it meant so much to me. having her there with me during this time. its huge to me.

i wanted her by my side for all of this. her knowledge and support mean the world to me. now truly everyone knows and we can all be happy. all that is left is to be healthy, fix the nursery and love our baby. Today we discussed nutrition and excercise. everyday is actually bliss. well if i could just get my skin to chill the hell out. i'm uber sensitive to allergins right now, so anything sets me off.

but i digress... i'm happy. i realized last night, with out my meds, even itchy as hell and prego, every day is happy as hell for me. Jason and i are so very happy its not even funny. planning for the kiddo has been awesome. we know we're gonna be the 'cool' parents, the ones that go to the concerts with their early teen, and goes to art openings.. heh. the parents that look good in black and take our boy to the skate park... i dunno. i'm actually excited to be a mom and love a child as much as my mother loved me.

now everyone knows. my aunt that i call my second mom has already called to say she would be having lil marcus to her house soon as he was 3 or so, that she might be old but she's still cool. lol i'm so hapy. my family is happy, my grandmother is happy to see her first great grandbaby. My aunt is already askin if i need help decorating the baby's room and mom is offering to come stay with us and help me a lil.

life is good. now if lil marcus would stop kicking me in the bladder and kidney. lol at least he's an active lil bugger.

So, here's to hoping i'm a great mom and here's to my mom that has offered her support and love!

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