Alrighty! time for a lil update :)
today was my first ob/gyn appointment. My sister and her best friend (who i adore as well) came with me. we all met up, went in and then waited. OMG the wait! finally i go back with my sister and start the exam. afterwards the dr states that she thinks i'm further along than 8 months, judging from the size of my uterus. WOW. seriously. ok.
so, next wednesday we have our appointment for a ultrasound! hooray! i should be getting the first pic of the kiddo and a much more accurate due date. Seeing as how i was having morning sickness around july 13th on, i'm not even sure how far along i might be. however it brings a few worries to mind.
1- if i was pregnant longer than i thought, i was also on my meds while prego longer than i thought. this is bad. the dr was extremely happy that i had quit them as soon as i knew. everything i was on is Major bad for prego.
2- if i was pregnant longer, i may have been at bonnaroo in my first weeks. i only say this is bad due to the amount of .... 'hippy fun' i have once a year at this festival. bad bad bad. hopefully that early enough to not cause any prolonged damage.
ya, so now i have these small worries. all i can do is sit on my thumbs until next wednesday tho! rar! either way, i'm doing good on the quitting smoking. i'm down to 5 a day, sometimes 7. cold turkey doesn't really work on me, it leads to panic attacks, severe mood snaps and a need to kick something hard. lol but i'll give credit for having a reason to quit. its easier to cut back when i know i'm doing it for the bebe. that's all that matters really. :)
outside of that, i'm now debating when to tell my mother. I'm holding back telling my parents because they are very strict and also methodical. Right now, i'm getting unemployment and my boyfriend is looking for work. we were both laid off a while back. he should have a new job soon, but in the mean time, he already traded in his 06 350z for a 08 chevy HHR. its awesome! its like a updated herse! lol, specially since its black with limo tint on the windows.
however, i digress. because of the financial situation, when i told my mom i was engaged, she jumped down my throat, thrusting every negative thing on me. All as if i hadn't already thought about all these things. i didn't bother to continue the conversation and tell her i'm prego. i figure i'll wait till he's got the job for sure and then pick a day i feel really good. This is a decision in my life i can't let her drag me down for making. i know she will have a problem with it, so i might as well pick my time (thank you to my sister for that tidbit of advice :)
SO. no pics to show today, but will update again soon. i'm finding writing all my ideas down is great! Here's to life's changes!
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